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Tokushu Anime's J-Pop TV
So you still can't get enough of J-Pop huh? Well now you can watch it live on your windows media player. These link are brought to you by AVEX and not Tokushu Anime. I nor the site takes any credit for these links so if you want to thank someone go and thank AVEX

To view the channels all you need to do is have windows media player installed on your comp and just click on the link of what channel you wish to watch. Windows Media Player will pop up and just sit down, grab some chips and soda and watch for as long as you want!

Avex TV Channel 1 Non-stop music video channel! This channel will usually feature new released videos 24/7.
Avex TV Channel 2 The same as above but a lil different. Instead of J-Pop this channel has videos from around the world! I guess Avex is trying to show off their other artist these days!
Avex TV Channel 3 A little bit of J-Pop vids, interviews, and commercials! A very authentic channel if you ask me :) Check it out!

* Channels will sometimes change what they play without notice
* Depending on your connection and computer the playback and loading for the channels will vary
* Tokushu Anime is not liable for what happens when running the channels

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