This is our web host provider! Thanks so much for the help ^_^ Please do
drop by and check out this wonderful site. The webmaster is a great person and
this site will soon have downloadable anime also.
2. Ryuichi's
J-pop Music Station
If you're looking for J-Pop song translations this is the place to go! This
site has absolutely all the latest hits translated for you. Most of my fav songs
are on this site and I absolutely love it! This without a doubt is the best
J-Pop song translation site I have ever found on the internet. If you don't
believe me then check it out for yourself.
A very good anime and J-Pop site. The site is in German but for English
speakers you might still be able to piece together the site. The site will start
to feature full length J-Pop videos in the near future so look forward to
* If you would like your site up here then give me an email