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This Week: Keisuke Kuwata - Tokyo  

東京 / 桑田佳祐I guess all this popularity to Hajime Chitose must have Keisuke Kuwata thinking. He hasn't released a single since October but here he is! The former record holder for most weeks on the chart with 12 is here to regain the title. Good luck is all we have to say! Well this singles features 3 tracks.. the main track is pure Keisuke Kuwata. A mid tempo song with his smooth vocals.

So we ask ourselves why in the world did we pick this and we look at the previous 2 weeks. Ok this is now a mixture for a VERY horrid formula of reviews! The song is a mid tempo song which is sang slowly! It has a bit of a Spanish sound to it. It sounds like a slow dance song and with Keisuke Kuwata singing it's even slower! He stresses almost every other word in this song for like 6min! Get ready to be annoyed! VERY annoyed!

Hella Hot or hella not? We're gonna get through this fast cause we are sick already! Sick of this crap! OMG it sux! We hate this! Don't buy it you are only hurting yourself! Even Hajime Chitose sounds better. Now you know how mcuh we loath it. But good thing next week we have Morning Musume on the show. Yea like now you know how much we are dying. HAHAHA

Track List
1. Tokyo
3. Eboshi Radio Station
    "Hits from Coast to Coast" (DJ:Shanti)

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