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This Week: Chemistry - Floatin'
*Waits for everyone to quite down* Chemistry is now here!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Screams
coming from left and right* Hahaha take that Kang Ta! (Gomenasai... inside
joke). Anywayz down to business. This marks Chemistry's 1st single of 2002. Well
first real single since their other release was a remake of a song off their hit
album but Chemistry plays it smart. They release a week before Ayumi, Glay, and
Morning Musume releases hoping to capture an easy number 1. Hey doesn't Kinki
Kids do that a lot also? The single features 2 songs and 2 instrumentals. Yea
pretty basic and now let's get onto the review shall we?
remember this is Chemistry we are reviewing. Probably THE best male group
vocalist in Japan. They can surely sing but recently we have started to wonder
whether or not they can compose. Their last single was next to suck and one
could question why we aren't bringing in Hiro instead but we're sticking with
Chem here! "Floatin'" is a wonderful medium ballad which is soft on
the verses but catchy on the chorus. The rhythm and melody of the song is well
done and sung to perfection like most of their songs. We are trying to bring
some comparison the their best single "You go your way" but this might
be simply better then that one. HELLA HOT OR HEL... oh
F*ck this! HELLA HOT OK! You get the point right? Chem is finally back in their
rightful place again which is at number 1 on Oricon and making good songs again!
We love this single! It's soft yet catchy and danceable (you can even do the
robot to it as well) too while still retaining their R&B style. If you
ask us it's a MUST buy! Don't miss it for a chance! But of course you could save
your money for next weeks big release 7/24 but we still think this isn't worth
missing! Track List
1. Floatin'
2. Back Together Again
3. Floatin' (Less Vocal)
4. Back Together Again (Footsteps on the Beach)
Thanx to our friends at Tokyo FM they took the liberty
to interview Chemistry for us! You can see the videos here... make sure
you have Windows Media though because you will need them to play the
interview. Choose your version:
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