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Hella Hot or Hella Not?
If you haven't figured it yet each week new singles in Japan are released. Since we're always on top of our game and we always want to deliver the hot news and let you know which song is hot and which is not we now have a featured song review section. Every week we will pick a song by an artist before it's released and we will review it for you. 

Past Archives

11/7: Hajime Chitose - Ko No Machi 
Next Week: Morning Musume - Koko ni iruzee!
This Week: Hitomi Shimatani - Itsu no Hi nika... 

いつの日にか… / 島谷ひとみThe Red Hot Hitomi Shimatani (check out that album cover) is back with another track to continue to prove doubters that she is the real deal! After moving up from a B artist on my list to an A artist with her breakout single "Amairo no Kami no Otome" she is trying to prove that she belongs in the A list. But if this single does have anything to prove it sure proved it looks nice! ^_^

The song starts off nice and happy. Sorta catchy right from the start. It reminds me a lot like "Amairo" which lasted a whole 10 weeks on the countdown. That's defiantly a recipe for success. Her voice is cute as always and it's kind of weird. It's like a mixture of Hajime Chitose and modern day female singers. I'm getting addicted to the chorus as I type and if I can get my hands on lyrics I'm gonna friggin sing the song right now! I probably should stop before I scare you all away huh? :)

Thank goodness Hitomi dropped by the studio since Arashi stunk up the place last week! This was exactly what we needed to get back on track. She really kicks ass and we're gonna be rooting for her to sell well with this one. It sure has the right tune to it! Buy it! We would recommend it!

Rating: 9.5

Track List:
1. Itsu no Hi nika...
4. Itsu no Hi nika... (Instrumental)

Coming up next week are the Morning Musume gals! We better get a few more chairs for them... HAHAHA... well they're down to 12 members at least!

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