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Hella Hot or Hella Not?
If you haven't figured it yet each week new singles in Japan are released. Since we're always on top of our game and we always want to deliver the hot news and let you know which song is hot and which is not we now have a featured song review section. Every week we will pick a song by an artist before it's released and we will review it for you. 

Past Archives

11/13: Chemistry - It Takes Two
Next Week: Hajime Chitose - Ko No Machi 
This Week: Morning Musume - Koko ni iruzee!

ここにいるぜぇ! / モーニング娘。After 3 months and a departure by Maki Goto the Morning Musume gals finally release another single! Coming off their hit track "Do it! Now" which was probably one of our favorite singles from them, we are expecting a huge hit with this one as well! Let's see if they can live up to expectations...

You want wacky?!?! You want crazy!??! Well this track is full of that! It sounds like something that you can just jump to and that's what the Morning Musume chicks did in the video! While the singing sounds like lil kids as always the tunes are always catchy. Kudos to Tsunku for his good work on that! The chorus is where all the power comes from. It's the big energy part of the song and we defiantly are digging it. You probably will too :P

Hmmm tough call this week... dude don't even ask... just get it! It's that good! While we don't think it can be their last single this one certainly is not one to throw away. It's a quality song by Morning Musume and I'd buy it so you should too! Don't miss out!

Rating: 9

Track List:
1. Koko ni iruzee!
2. Lover

Hajime Chitose's 3rd single coming up and we're bringing her right to you!

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