Hella Hot or Hella Not?
If you haven't figured it yet each week new singles in Japan are released. Since
we're always on top of our game and we always want to deliver the hot news and
let you know which song is hot and which is not we now have a featured song
review section. Every week we will pick a song by an artist before it's released
and we will review it for you.
Check out the results for the Tokushu Anime 2002 Music
Past Archives
1/29: Utada Hikaru - Colors
1/22: Day After Tomorrow - Futurity
1/16: Rina Aiuchi - Kaze No Nai Umi De Dakishimete
first new single in a while and the chick is back red hot and prettier than
ever! While we never were the biggest fan of her voice we do think she is
quite... errr... appealing! :P This time around she gives
us a nice little ballad for us to enjoy
The background music is soft to begin and Rina
starts singing from the start. Her voice stresses a lot when she sings
which is expected of her. The 1st verse passes quite fast into the chorus were
the song picks up a bit. The background music is quite nice if you sit down to
listen to it. Before the 2nd verse is a interesting little piano piece and then
the whole tempo of the song changes. It's like 2 songs in one!
A very interesting song indeed. We usually expect
fast songs from Rina and this one is a ballad turned into dance mix. While it
isn't something that we are head over heels for it certainly isn't something
that we would throw away :P I guess it CAN be Hella Hot especially with the
cover, harharhar but you can buy it and be the judge of that ^_^
Rating: 7.5
Track List:
1. Kaze No Nai Umi De Dakishimete
2. Little Grey Mermaid
3. Kaze No Nai Umi De Dakishimete
The Product Here
the Mp3 here!