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This week: Chemistry - Kimiwo Sagashiteta ~New Jersey United~


Chemistry is here with a brand new single! *scream ladies* HAHAHAHA!!! This single is the 1st single from Chemistry since Oct 2001 and their first since their album dropped. Of course that defiantly does not include the horrible VoK/J experiment! What was DefStar even thinking?!?!? Just for those who were curious this single is a remake of the song in their first album so technically this isn't exactly new but hey it was chosen as the theme song to the new J-Drama "Wedding Planner".... hmmm that sounds familiar. Now I guess it's time to get onto the single right?

Well we're big fans of Chemistry here and the song features yet again perfect vocals from this 2 duo. They're obviously simply talented and if you like acapella you would LOVE this song. There isn't much in terms of rhythm since this song seems to be more focused on vocals and there is a Gospel tune to it. Prob something that I would hear in church! Not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing but hey it's Chemistry so give em some credit :P

So hella hot or hella not? You know to think if it was Chemistry it could be an automatic hella hot but not this time. The song simply has NOOOOOOO rhythm like their other singles and yes even that VoK/J expeirent sounded better then this! You know it's so bad that we're even embarrassed to let ppl download it but we're nice ok! :P Seriously the Gospel tunes in the background are nothing but annoying! Yea they're R&B but geez this is like Christian Pop! Not that we're against that but we expect something for R&B rather then Gospel but we will give them this! Minus the Gospel BGM then the song is descent.

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