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This week: Dream - Sincerely ~Ever Dream~

SINCERELY~ever dream~ / dreamThe girls of dream are back with another single! We often wonder are they really worth reviewing? I mean lately their songs have been sounding more and more alike! Also did you hear the news about them? Apparently the lead singer is graduating from high school and she will be leaving the group! :( Not her choice of course but Avex is pushing her out of it because she no longer is in high school and that takes away from the groups image! What the hec is that suppose to mean?!?!!? Apparently Avex is hold "auditions" for the open spot so if you're interested... :D

Onto the single! Like all their singles it starts off like a nice soft ballad but picks up with some beats in the back ground. The vocals aren't as good as other groups but they try to get your attention with a catchy tune. They're kind of like a poor-mans Zone. Except they don't play any instruments! Yea in fact this does sound a lot like a Zone track! There really isn't much I can say about this single except that it sounds like every other one they have made. It's descent music I guess. It's not like we expected a best seller here.

So HELLA Hot or HELLA not? How bout HELLA IN THE MIDDLE! We never hated Dream. Both of them (American one also ^_^). Their music never really make us say "WOW"! But I guess every artist can't be a Morning Musume or Ayumi Hamasaki these days. If you like Dream then you will love this single! If not then take our advice for it, don't bother with it.

Make sure you mark it down in your calendar book! 2 weeks from now! Keisuke Kuwata is the guest of honor! ^_^

Track List
1. Sincerely ~Ever Dream~
2. Message
3. Sincerely ~Ever Dream~ (Instrumental)
4. Message (Instrumental)

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